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The not so perfect Christmas card pictures

Every year I try to send out photo Christmas cards of our kids. I would really like to have our whole family in them every year but we have about two family pictures which were done by me and a self timer.

I don't want anything fancy, just a nice picture of all my kids looking at the camera. Okay, I take that back. This year I wanted the cute poses. I wanted one of my four girls "tied up" with a string of lights and my one year old son holding the end of it all in front of our Christmas tree,

That was a nice thought for about a whole minute until I realized that my son doesn't care at all what I want. He just wants to play, without facing the camera. And my daughters really don't enjoy being so close to eachother wrapped in lights. Who knew.

So forget about the idea of putting a top hat on my son, painting black buttons on his belly and painting the tip of his nose orange. Instead, I figured I would just do them sitting in front of the tree, Like what we have done the past 3 years. But even that proved to be a little frustrating. My one year old would not sit still. It's funny how every other kid can take direction from me, except my own!

He wouldn't sit on anyone's lap. Fine, he can sit where he wants. I took a few shots, then realized he had been picking his little nose the whole time. Then my girls see this and start cracking up. They start getting all silly and there goes our perfect Christmas card picture.

I posted our outtakes on Facebook and actually got a good response. I guess I didn't realize that our cards didn't have to be "perfect" as in everyone smiling looking at the camera. Our cards will be perfect in another way that shows our reality, which is a little chaotic and a whole lot of laughs. So, the boogar picking cards will be on their way in no time.

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